

Konrad FijoƂek

Mayor of the City of RzeszĂłw

Kamil CzyĆŒ

Head - Department of the City Brand, Economic Cooperation and Tourism, City of Rzeszow

January Ciszewski

Founder and President of JR HOLDING ASI S.A.

Prof. Dr. RadosƂaw Niecko


Piotr Bereziewicz

Founder and Managing Director of Aberit

dr Maciej Chrzanowski

Business consultant (training.ai)

Darek Homel


Gregory Fryc

Co-founder 60 Million Congress - Global Polonia Summit 

Kamil SzymaƄski

President of the 60 Million Congress, President of G2A Arena - Convention and Exhibition  Centre of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, President of the World For Ukraine Summit Foundation

Zbigniew Klonowski

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of 60MLN.PL, CEO Trias International

Konrad Wyrwas

Strategic Director of the Polish Association of Construction Employers, Chairman of the Poland-Ukraine Construction Convention

Anna Katarzyna Nietyksza

CEO Cloud Community Europe Polska and Eficapital Sp.zo.o

Anira Wojan

Director of Media Forum Krynica, publisher of Polonico TV

PaweƂ Szewczyk

Export Manager firmy FAKRO

Arkadiusz Wrzos 

President of the Natura&Zdrowie Foundation, publisher of ZDROWA TV

Marcin Wenus

President of the Invest Cuffs Foundation - Education and Development of Financial Markets

Jacek UrbaƄczyk

Investor in real estate, tourism

C. David DeBenedetti

Lawyer, Partner at DeBenedetti Majewski Szczesniak

PaweƂ SzymaƄski 

CEO in Krosno Glass, RUCH SA, Netia and CFO in PKN Orlen SA, CTL Logistics or Marvipol

Marcin Kruszyna 

Director of Sales and Investment Communication at Alior Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych S.A.

Drew Johnson

Republican candidate for United States Congress

Krzysztof Anuszewski

RescueNet Sp. z o.o. COO,

Alfaresq Sp. z o.o. Project Manager

Jakub Fijewski

CEO Fijewski Gallery

Dagmara IwaƄczuk-Węgrzynek

President of KIKE Events and owner of DELEGATA Television Agency

Krzysztof PrzybyƂ

President of the Management Board of the Foundation for the Polish Promotional Emblem "Teraz Polska"

Wawrzyniec Maziejuk

Board member of the Polish Association of Processors and Producers of Organic Products "Polska Ekologia"

Krzysztof Mędrala

President of the Management Board of MedApp S.A.

BoĆŒena WrĂłblewska

President of the Management Board at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, Promotion Centre Ltd.

StanisƂaw Nowak

CEO/Owner Proceed Services

Dr Milena GoƂda

Owner of Mag Press Agency and Forum Biznesu Polska

Tomasz Gulak

Trainer, coach, social activist, entrepreneur

Janusz Tyburcy

CEO PROA Technology

Prof. Marek Rudnicki

Chairman of the Board of the Health SWP Foundation

PrzemysƂaw JĂłĆșwiakowski

Co-Founder Automation First Business

MichaƂ Knap

Director of e-commerce at ECAT eCommerce and CEO of Game Mode Studio

dr inĆŒ. arch. Maciej JamroĆŒy

President of the Management Board of URBAN PROJECT and the Polish Business Support Organisation

PaweƂ Ɓaskarzewski

CEO Nomad Fulcrum

Jacek Schindler

Owner of Miami-based architecture firm, Schindler Architects, Inc. 

Wojciech Ochocki

Management advisor for development at Constract Export-Import

BronisƂaw KozioƂkiewicz

Owner of NEODYNAMIKHP, Fiab 

Bartosz Staniszewski

Strategist and media expert, president of Brandfeed agency

Joanna Andryszczak - Lewandowska

Mentor, coach, trainer @lewandowska.coaches)

PaweƂ SepioƂo

Main shareholder and co-founder of 3W S.A.

Tadeusz Stabrawa

Vice-President of ECAT e-commerce PSA and ADERLO PSA

MichaƂ Jackowski

Professor of Law, Attorney at Law, Tax Advisor, Partner at DSK in PoznaƄ, Co-founder at AnyLawyer

RafaƂ Kalisz

President of the Management Board of FIBRAIN Sp. z o.o., President of Stali RzeszĂłw S.A., Vice-President of D.A. Glass

dr n. med. Ɓukasz MĂŒldner-Nieckowski

President of the Board of the Mental Path Group Sp. z o.o.

Adam Jastrowicz

Partnership Manager at Blue Media

Grzegorz Oszast

Member of the Board of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Oleh Kuts

Consul General of Ukraine in Lublin

PaweƂ Lisiecki

Member of Parliament 

MichaƂ Kubacki

Creator, inventor, passionate about new technologies

MichaƂ RzeĆșnik

Head of Foreign Trade Office Polish Investment & Trade Agency

Katarzyna Stachowicz

Director of the Polish-Canadian Chamber of Commerce

Karolina Dehnhard

Managing Director of the International Transactions Group at Lindabury McCormick Estabrook and Cooper

The Congress Programme

60 Million Congress

Eden Roc Miami Beach
4525 Collins Ave, Miami Beach
July 13

7:00 pm
Meet & Greet
Travel: on your own | Dress code: business casual | Admission for Congress participants
Restaurant Radoƛć, Rzeszow
Rynek 24, 35-064 RzeszĂłw

July 14

10:00 am
60 Million Sailing Race
Travel: organised | Dress code: tourist/sports, shoes with soft soles | Ticket is valid
Solina Lake
PolaƄczyk, Poland


12:00 pm
60 Million Golf Cup
Travel: on your own | Dress code: sporty | Additional registration fee paid before the tournament
Golf Course Dwa Stawy​​​​​​​
Trzciana 244B, 36-071 Trzciana
7:00 pm
Evening Networking
Travel: on your own| Dress code: business casual | Admission for Congress participants

Lord Jack Restaurant & Apartments, Rzeszow

Rynek 3/4, 35-064 RzeszĂłw
15:45 - 16:30

Sala A

60mln top 10 polish cities

Sala B

60mln young leaders

Sala C

60mln agriculture

20:00 - 24:00
Networking banquet

July 15

60 Million Congress
Travel: on your own| Dress code: business official | Registration opened
G2A Arena
Jasionka 953, 36-002 Jasionka, Poland

Take part

9:30 am - 10:30 am

Participant Registration

10:30 am - 11:00 am

Official welcome and opening of the congress

11:05 am - 11:50 am

Room A

GLOBAL MEDIA - LOCAL INVESTMENTS - how to tell Polonia about Poland?

Room B

AI solutions in the eCommerce industry, or how to use trends to create a real investment BOMB
11:55 am - 12:40 pm

Room A

The role of local authorities as ambassadors

for Polish companies on foreign markets

Room B

Artificial Intelligence - Polish contribution to the development of AI. Possibilities of application
and future of AI solutions in companies​​​
12:45 pm - 1:30 pm

Room A

Reconstruction of Ukraine - position of Polish entrepreneurs and conditions of competitiveness

Room B

Innovations in medicine, application of AI
to the development of medical services
1:30 pm - 12:30 pm
Lunch Break
2:30 pm - 3:15 pm

Room A

Today's investment market - prospects
and trends for investors

Room B

The role of Chambers of Commerce - supporting Polish brands on global markets
3:20 pm - 4:05 pm

Room A

Challenges of the building materials
manufacturers industry

Room B

Promotion of Polish brands on global markets - major challenges for Polish producers
7:00 pm
Cocktail Party
Travel: on your own| Dress code: business casual | Admission for Congress participants
Restaurant Radoƛć, Rzeszow
Rynek 24, 35-064 RzeszĂłw
20:00 - 24:00
60mln Whiskey Party



Partner GƂówny
Patronat honorowy
Main Partner
Strategic Partner
Content Partner
Technology Partner
Cultural Partner
Honorary Patron
Media Patron