They call me Polish Forrest Gump as I can run for many, manydays... My name is Tomasz Sobania and I’m 25 years old Polishlong-distance runner. In terms of distance, I coveredthousands of kilometeres during expeditions such as:

  • Run across Poland - from Zakopane to Gdynia - 18 days, 18 marathons, 756 kilometeres
  • By Marathons to Rome - 38 days, 36 marathons, 1 500 kilometeres
  • By Marathons to Barcelona - 63 days, 60 marathons, 2 500 kilometeres
  • From Poland to Greece and back again - 90 days, 85 marathons, 3 600 kilometeres


My next plan is simple - to run across USA. I will start onSeptember 2024 and within 170 days I will run 150 marathons.

It will be another extreme challenge for me, but also a greatopportunity to help as all my expeditions are charity events.