An expert in international relations, strategic operations, financial management of healthcare systems, and crisis management.President of Mediciner - International Healthcare Association, headquartered in Frankfurt (Oder), near the Polish border. 

​Vicepresident of Brandmed in Słubice, the first Polish-German medical center where both Polish workers in Germany and German residents from the border region can receive medical treatment. Joanna has been directly involved in building healthcare innovations from the ground up, including during the Covid-19 pandemic. 
​The first Polish national to be awarded the Certified Negotiation Expert (CNE) title, an American diploma in international negotiations. A distinguished speaker on healthcare topics in Poland, Germany, the USA, and Switzerland.Since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, she has been coordinating medical humanitarian aid for Ukrainian hospitals from German and American clinics as well as private donors.She actively supports the development of institutions, organizations, and enterprises in the medical sector on international markets.