Jadwiga Stokłosa
Experienced business executive and industry leader with strong governmental, business, and diplomacy experience in global operations and international business. Currently responsible for operating the following international organization:
The Central and Eastern European Trade Center,LLC, and the non-for Profit Federation of Central & Eastern European Chambers of Commerce, Inc. (FedeCham) representing the interest of chambers of commerce, business organizations as well as enterprises from all economic sectors and industries of Central & Eastern Europe to the Americas.
Twenty MEMBER COUNTRIES represent Central and Eastern Europe (CEE20). These include Poland, Hungary, Romania, Greece, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Moldova, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Belarus and Albania.
The founders of this initiative are from: Poland, Hungary Romania and Greece.Doświadczona menadżerka i lider branży z dużym doświadczeniem rządowym, biznesowym i dyplomatycznym w operacjach globalnych i międzynarodowym biznesie.