Anna Maria Rożek is a law graduate of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University and postgraduate studies at the University of Warsaw in European Union Law. She graduated from the European Academy of Diplomacy with a specialization in International Organizations, as well as a program in the field of International Business and Unfulfilled Law at The Catholic University of America in Washington, USA. She successfully completed her legal training at the Bar Council in Warsaw. She holds the title of Executive Master of Business Administration.
She participates as a specialist for the Polish community in several conferences in Poland and around the world. She is actively involved in many Polish diaspora projects and runs the activities of non-governmental organizations. In the years 2015 - 2020, the fund of the Warsaw Public Benefit Council, and was the capital of the expert team at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister dealing with reforms of the free civic source system.
For her activities for the Polish diaspora, she was nominated for the following awards: Pole with Passion and the Golden Microphone of Radio Rampa in New York USA. She supports many non-governmental organizations in Poland and around the world, including as a member of the prestigious Global Shapers organization, which is part of the World Economic Forum in Davos.
In the years 2014 - 2018, she was authorized by the Councilor of the Capital City of Warsaw. For many years, as a lawyer, she cooperated with the Light Foundation at the African electrification of rural areas meeting and supported the development of Polish companies at the Sub-Saharan conference.
In the year 2023, she has been awarded a certificate as a specialist in the legalization of foreigners in Poland - revolutionary changes 2023, and currently, she works as an international lawyer, specializing in the field of immigration law and consulting companies looking for an international espouser. She also holds the title of Executive Director of the Gallery of Young Polish Art in the center of Warsaw.